
Here you can view analytics data for actions pertaining to site, content, user, and create unique advanced reports. Ensure you grant the Use API permission for the Analytics plugin to work properly for all applicable site admin users who will use Analytics.

Access from the Admin Console

Location: Analytics Menu > User


The User Analytics page displays user overview for contributing and passive users, top contributors, new users, community reactions and badges awarded.

User Overview

You can select a current day, week or month view of the following data:

  • Total Users: This numeric value is the sum of the contributing and passive users.
  • Contributing Users: This numeric value represents the number of users who contribute content.
  • Passive Users: This numeric value represents the number of users who are part of the community but do not contribute any content.

Community Reactions

You can select a current day, week or month view of the following data:

  • Upvotes: This numeric value represents the number of upvotes from the community for that current day, week or month.
  • Downvotes: This numeric value represents the number of downvotes from the community for that current day, week or month.
  • Favorites: This numeric value represents the number of favorites from the community for that current day, week or month.
  • Page views: This numeric value represents the number of page views from the community for that current day, week or month.

Top Contributors

You can sort this data by Most Reputation Earned or Most Content Posted. You can also select a current day, week or month view of the following data:

  • User Names: The names of the users, with a hyperlink to the users' profiles.
  • Reputation: This numeric value represents the total number of reputation points for that user since joining the community.
  • Questions, Ideas, Articles: These numeric values represent the number of Questions, Ideas, and Articles posted by the users for that current day, week or month.

New Users

You can select a current day, week or month view of the following data:

  • Users Joined: This is the numeric value of the new users who joined the community based on the selected time range.
  • Milestones: There are three milestones: Validated Email, Filled Profile, Contributed.
  • Completion Percent: This numeric value represents the percentage of completion for the milestones.
  • User Names: Displays the user profile image.

Badges Awarded

You can select a current day, week or month view of the following data:

  • Badge Name: Displays the image, name, and short description of the badges awarded to users based on the selected time range.
  • User: Displays the user's profile image.


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