Reputation Cap
Access from the Admin Panel
Location: Site > User Engagement > Reputation Gains/Losses
The reputation cap feature allows the site admin to configure a global limit of how many reputation points a user can earn within 24 hours.
Default Setting
Besides the Daily Limit for Reputation Points, there will be a checkbox to turn the cap on (checkbox selected) and off (checkbox not selected). There will also be a text field to enter the numeric value for the daily limit for reputation points.
By default, we set the checkbox to ‘OFF’ (not selected).
When the Reputation Cap is ‘ON’ (checkbox selected) there must be an entry in the text field to save the settings on the page.
- You cannot set the cap larger than 2147483647; you will get an error that you cannot convert the string to an integer if you enter 2147483648 or greater.
- If you leave the text field, a notification will pop up saying “The daily limit for reputations points must be greater than 0 if turned on.”
If you have the idea and kbentry (articles) plugins enabled, then you will also see links at the bottom of the page to access the Advanced settings for Ideas and Advanced settings for Articles.

At the top of the page, you can see the Daily Limit for Reputation Points checkbox and text field.

If you have the idea and kbentry plugins enabled, at the bottom of the page, you can see the links to access the Advanced settings for Ideas and Articles.
Gaining Reputation with the Cap Enabled
Users will gain reputation points until they reach the reputation cap. The reputation cap is active for 24 hours from 12:00 AM UTC to 11:59 PM UTC.
If users reach the cap at any point during that time, they cannot resume gaining reputation points until 12:00 AM UTC the next day.
The system will not award reputation points for actions performed during the time it caps them.
- The system will not award points retroactively.
Reputation points cannot be awarded from other community users if that user has reached the reputation cap. The user attempting to give the reputation points will not have points taken away and will see an error notification stating, “That user is unable to receive reputation points at this time.”
Losing Reputation with the Cap Enabled
If users reach the reputation cap but lose points within the 24-hour window, then they can resume earning reputation points until they reach the cap again.
- The system again caps the user until 12:00 AM UTC the following day.
Partial Points Awarded when the Cap is Enabled
The system will award partial points for certain scenarios.
For example: if they have 10 reputation points left until they reach the reputation cap, yet they voted on an idea that has a reputation gain of 20 points, the system will award them points to reach the cap.
Updated over 4 years ago