HTTP Status and Error Codes
Below is a list of common status and error codes you might see.
Status and Error Codes
status code | Meaning |
200 | OK - the request was successful. |
201 | Created - the system has fulfilled the request. |
400 | Bad_request - you probably didn't use the correct syntax; check it again. |
401 | Unauthorized - 1. Check to see if you provided Basic Authorization. 2. If you have provided Basic Auth credentials, then it is likely you don't have the correct permission granted; see specific orange notes in the endpoints about specific permissions the admin needs to grant for different endpoints. |
404 | Not Found - resource was not found. |
500 | Internal server error. |
Sometimes you won't get a JSON Error Response, instead, you will receive an HTML response.
Error Response Example if you forget to provide and/or select Basic Authorization credentials:
<title>Apache Tomcat/7.0.81 - Error report</title>
<!--H1 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:22px;} H2 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:16px;} H3 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:14px;} BODY {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:black;background-color:white;} B {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;} P {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;background:white;color:black;font-size:12px;}A {color : black;} {color : black;}HR {color : #525D76;}-->
<h1>HTTP Status 401 - Bad credentials</h1>
<HR size="1" noshade="noshade">
<b>type</b> Status report
<u>Bad credentials</u>
<u>This request requires HTTP authentication.</u>
<HR size="1" noshade="noshade">
<h3>Apache Tomcat/7.0.81</h3>
Updated almost 5 years ago
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