You can use this API request to update or edit a previously created user that has already on your AnswerHub site.
You can use the following parameters in your update a user request:
Other options: wrap.
Permissions & Notes:
To change a user name through the API, you must have the Edit Users and Groups permission under Site Administration Roles in the Advanced Editor.
To update any user, you must have the Edit any profile permission under Moderation Roles in the Advanced Editor.
If the user account is your own, you must have the Edit own profile permission under Standard Roles in the Advanced Editor.
To edit any profile details, you must have the Edit any profile details (name, location, password, etc.) permission under Moderation Roles in the Advanced Editor.
If the user account is your own, you must have the Edit own profile details (name, location, password, etc.) under Standard Roles in the Advanced Editor.
Be very careful with this permission. Anyone with the Edit any profile details (name, location, password, etc.) can do exactly as the permissions states — edit anyone's password. Only give this permission to trusted people.
You can specify the data describing what user information you are editing or updating, both in the body of the request, or as a request parameter, with the same names as the fields in the body.
- When you send data in the body of the request, the format should match the URL extension, or the value of the site's HTTP request header content-type.
- If you specify data values for the same field, both on the request body and as a request or query parameters, the value of the parameters takes precedence over the value in the body.
Notice: The UserRequest data model includes a field for the user password; we consider using a secure connection to post this request to be a best practice. In this case, the request URL uses protocol prefix HTTPs, which indicates that a secured connection using a protocol such as SSL/TLS (based on a asymmetric-key cryptography) gets used to make the request.
We added this request in version 1.6.3.
Sample Requests
A PUT update a user request to using a human-readable Username/Password (answerhub:test123) that updates a user (userId: 110) to have a real name of "Jon Smith" would look like this:
-u "answerhub:test123"
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-d '{"realName":"Jon Smith"}' "" -v
Example of additional queries to update the user profile.
-u "answerhub:answerhub"
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-d '{"username":"jons","realName":"Jon Smith", "about":"some data about Jon", "location":"NC"}' "" -v
Sample Response with a Real Name Query
Successful Response to Update User 110 to have a real name of Jon Smith.
- HTTP Status code 200 - OK
"id": "110",
"creationDate": 1549031543000,
"creationDateFormatted": "02/01/2019 02:32 PM",
"modificationDate": 1549034012073,
"username": "JonS",
"realname": "Jon Smith",
"type": "user",
"plug": "jons",
"gold": 0,
"silver": 0,
"bronze": 0,
"reputation": 0,
"moderator": false,
"superuser": false,
"avatar": "",
"company": "",
"website": "",
"location": "",
"postCount": 0,
"followerCount": 0,
"followCount": 0,
"userFollowCount": 0
Sample Response with About and Location Queries
Successful Response to Update User 110 to have a description in the about section and to add their location.
- HTTP Status code 200 - OK
"id": "110",
"creationDate": 1549031543000,
"creationDateFormatted": "02/01/2019 02:32 PM",
"modificationDate": 1549047629717,
"username": "jons",
"realname": "Jon Smith",
"type": "user",
"plug": "jons",
"gold": 1,
"silver": 0,
"bronze": 0,
"reputation": 0,
"moderator": false,
"superuser": false,
"avatar": "",
"company": "",
"website": "",
"location": "NC",
"postCount": 0,
"followerCount": 0,
"followCount": 0,
"userFollowCount": 0