Retrieve AnalyticsProvider Data (Advanced Analytics)

You can use this API request to get analytics data from AnalyticsProvider.



Permissions & Notes:

  • You must have the View analytics permission under the Site Administration Roles in the Advanced Editor.

  • If you use both the fromDate and toDate parameters, the request will be for all information between those dates.

  • We added this request in version 1.6.3.

You can use the following parameters in your retrieve AnalyticsProvider data request:

Analytics Common: period, rate, fromDate, toDate
Analytics Action: activity, histogram

The following table provides additional parameters you can use with a retrieve AnalyticsProvider data request:

ParameterDescriptionExampleExample Explanation
typeThe type of data analytics to show.adv-uniqueThis parameter will request a list of unique visitors.
rateThe granularity of data points.monthlyThis parameter will request a list of data by month.
fromDateThe date from which to start showing data.1/1/13This parameter will request data from January 1st, 2013 forward.
toDateThe date at which to stop showing data.1/1/14This parameter will request a list of data from before January 1st, 2014.
spaceThe space to show analytics for.8This parameter will request analytics data for the space with a spaceId of 8.
groupsThe groupId of the group of users to show data for.271This parameter will request analytics data for the group with a groupId of 271

Sample Request

A GET retrieve AnalyticsProvider data request sent to using a human-readable Username/Password (answerhub/test123) would look like this:

-u answerhub:test123 
-H "Accept: application/json" 
-H "Content-type: application/json" 
-X GET ""

Sample Response

    "cause": {
        "cause": {
            "stackTrace": [
                    "methodName": "requireClassPersister",
                    "fileName": "",
                    "lineNumber": 171,
                    "className": "org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.SessionFactoryHelper",
                    "nativeMethod": false
                    "methodName": "addFromElement",
                    "fileName": "",
                    "lineNumber": 91,
                    "className": "org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.FromElementFactory",
                    "nativeMethod": false
                    "methodName": "addFromElement",
                    "fileName": "",
                    "lineNumber": 79,
                    "className": "org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.FromClause",
                    "nativeMethod": false
                    "methodName": "createFromElement",
                    "fileName": "",
                    "lineNumber": 326,
                    "className": "org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.HqlSqlWalker",
                    "nativeMethod": false
                    "methodName": "fromElement",
                    "fileName": "",
                    "lineNumber": 3696,
                    "className": "org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker",
                    "nativeMethod": false
                    "methodName": "fromElementList",
                    "fileName": "",
                    "lineNumber": 3585,
                    "className": "org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker",
                    "nativeMethod": false
                    "methodName": "fromClause",
                    "fileName": "",
                    "lineNumber": 720,
                    "className": "org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker",
                    "nativeMethod": false
              ... removed a portion of the response due to the length
            "methodName": "run",
            "fileName": "",
            "lineNumber": 61,
            "className": "org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable",
            "nativeMethod": false
            "methodName": "run",
            "fileName": "",
            "lineNumber": 748,
            "className": "java.lang.Thread",
            "nativeMethod": false
    "message": "org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Adv_RequestLog is not mapped [select new map(day(log.requestDate) as dataDay, month(log.requestDate) as dataMonth, year(log.requestDate) as dataYear, count(distinct as ideaCount, as logSpace) from Adv_RequestLog log join log.triggeredActions a where (log.requestDate >= :fromDate and log.requestDate < :toDate and a.class = NewIdeaAction and in (:spaces)) group by day(log.requestDate), month(log.requestDate), year(log.requestDate), order by dataMonth, dataYear, dataDay]",
    "localizedMessage": "org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Adv_RequestLog is not mapped [select new map(day(log.requestDate) as dataDay, month(log.requestDate) as dataMonth, year(log.requestDate) as dataYear, count(distinct as ideaCount, as logSpace) from Adv_RequestLog log join log.triggeredActions a where (log.requestDate >= :fromDate and log.requestDate < :toDate and a.class = NewIdeaAction and in (:spaces)) group by day(log.requestDate), month(log.requestDate), year(log.requestDate), order by dataMonth, dataYear, dataDay]",
    "suppressed": []
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!