Use this endpoint to retrieve a user's profile information by their user ID.
- URL Params
No params needed; he user ID is already a path param.
- Data Params
No data params
Sample Request
A GET Query User's Profile request for a node ID (108) tied to a JIRA ticket sent to using a human-readable Username/Password (answerhub/test123) would look like this:
-u answerhub:test123
-H "Accept:application/json"
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-X GET ""
Expected Responses
- Success Response:
Content: See Sample JSON Response
- Error Response:
Content:{ error : "Invalid User Id" }
For Permissions, Requirements, and More Detailed Information:
Reference the GDPR Plugin Docs in the Non-Reference portion of the documentation.
Sample Response
Successful Response Example
"preferences": {
"Automatically add me as a follower to": [
"notification": "Questions I ask",
"value": "Instant"
"notification": "Questions I answer",
"value": "None"
"notification": "Questions I comment on",
"value": "Instant"
"notification": "Questions in topics I follow",
"value": "None"
"notification": "Questions in spaces I follow",
"value": "None"
"notification": "All new questions",
"value": "None"
"notification": "Ideas I suggest",
"value": "None"
"notification": "Ideas I post comments on",
"value": "None"
"notification": "Ideas in topics I follow",
"value": "None"
"notification": "Ideas in spaces I follow",
"value": "None"
"notification": "All new ideas",
"value": "None"
"notification": "Articles I post",
"value": "None"
"notification": "Articles in topics I follow",
"value": "None"
"notification": "Articles in spaces I follow",
"value": "None"
"notification": "All new articles",
"value": "None"
"On the things I follow, send me an email notification when there is": [
"notification": "A new question",
"value": "Yes"
"notification": "A new answer",
"value": "Yes"
"notification": "A question is edited",
"value": "No"
"notification": "A new comment",
"value": "Yes"
"notification": "A new accepted answer",
"value": "Yes"
"notification": "A new idea",
"value": "No"
"notification": "A new comment on an idea",
"value": "No"
"notification": "A change in status for an Idea",
"value": "No"
"notification": "A new article",
"value": "No"
"Additionally": [
"notification": "Notify me when someone mentions me in a post using the @username notation",
"value": "Yes"
"notification": "Only use plain text when contacting me",
"value": "No"
"notification": "Send me a daily digest with unanswered questions",
"value": "No"
"Send me an email notification even if I am not following the item when": [
"notification": "A question is posted",
"value": "None"
"notification": "An answer is posted",
"value": "None"
"notification": "A comment is posted",
"value": "None"
"notification": "A question in my area of expertise is posted",
"value": "Instant"
"notification": "A user follows me",
"value": "None"
"notification": "An idea is posted",
"value": "None"
"notification": "A comment on an idea is posted",
"value": "None"
"notification": "An article is posted",
"value": "None"
"username": "admin",
"email": "",
"lastSeen": "2019-02-25 21:00:08.0",
"joined": "2019-01-23 17:03:28.0",
"reputation": 91,
"followers": 0,
"following": 6,
"topicInterests": [],
"expertiseSetting": {
"Manually added topics": [
"id": "630",
"type": "topic",
"creationDate": 1547066772000,
"creationDateFormatted": "01/09/2019 08:46 PM",
"name": "testing",
"createdBy": {
"id": 43,
"username": "Tom.Pryce"
"parentTopics": [],
"childTopics": [],
"usedCount": 17
"id": "127",
"type": "topic",
"creationDate": 1545231744000,
"creationDateFormatted": "12/19/2018 03:02 PM",
"name": "technology",
"createdBy": {
"id": 22,
"username": "confused"
"parentTopics": [],
"childTopics": [],
"usedCount": 5
"Currently Matched topics": []
"manageApplications": []