You can use this request to post an answer to a question on your AnswerHub site.
You can use the following parameters in your post an answer request:
Body: you can use any field of the body parameter.
Other options: wrap.
Permissions & Notes:
You must have the Answer questions permission under Standard Roles in the Advanced Editor.
You must have the Publish answer permission under Standard Roles in the Advanced Editor to automatically have your answer published. Otherwise, it will get placed in the moderation queue.
The location response header will contain the URL for the newly created comment.
You can specify the data describing the answer you are posting, both in the body of the request, or as a request parameter, with the same names as the fields in the body.
- When you send data in the body of the request, the format should match the URL extension or the value of the site's HTTP request header content-type.
- If you specify data values for the same field, both on the request body and as a request or query parameters, the value of the parameters takes precedence over the value in the body.
We added this request in version 1.6.3.
Sample Request
A POST post an answer request to post an answer ("AnswerHub is a developer engagement and community platform. By combining our core set of features and plugin options, you can create a custom, world-class developer ecosystem.") to a question (questionId: 823) sent to using a human-readable username and password (answerhub/test123), would look like this:
-u "answerhub:test123"
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-d '{"body":"AnswerHub is a developer engagement and community platform. By combining our core set of features and plugin options, you can create a custom, world-class developer ecosystem."}' "" -v
Expected Response
Successful Response:
- HTTP Status 201 - Created
"id": "833",
"type": "answer",
"creationDate": 1549641370134,
"creationDateFormatted": "02/08/2019 03:56 PM",
"body": "<div class=\"fr-view clearfix\">AnswerHub is a developer engagement and community platform. By combining our core set of features and plugin options, you can create a custom, world-class developer ecosystem.</div>",
"bodyAsHTML": "<div class=\"fr-view clearfix\">AnswerHub is a developer engagement and community platform. By combining our core set of features and plugin options, you can create a custom, world-class developer ecosystem.</div>",
"author": {
"id": 108,
"username": "admin",
"realname": null,
"avatar": "",
"reputation": 91
"lastEditedAction": 1105,
"activeRevisionId": 829,
"revisionIds": [
"lastActiveUserId": 108,
"lastActiveDate": 1549641370134,
"parentId": 823,
"parentAuthor": {
"username": "suspendabletestuser",
"realname": null
"originalParentId": 823,
"childrenIds": [],
"commentIds": [],
"marked": false,
"topics": [],
"containerIds": [],
"plug": null,
"wiki": false,
"score": 0,
"depth": 0,
"reportCount": 0