Edit an Article

You can use this API request to edit an article.


You can use the following parameters in your edit an article request:

Other options: wrap, v1


Permissions & Notes:

  • You must have the Edit kb entry permission under Custom Roles in the Advanced Editor to edit any kb entry.
  • You must have the Edit own kb entry permission under Custom Roles in the Advanced Editor if it is your own article.
  • We added this request in version

Sample Request

A PUT edit an article request to edit an article (articleId: 852) sent to https://apidocs.cloud.answerhub.com using a human-readable Username/Password (answerhub/test123) would look like this:

-u answerhub:test123
-H "Accept: application/json" 
-H "Content-type: application/json" 
-d '{"body": "editing a child article"}' "https://apidocs.cloud.answerhub.com/services/v2/article/852.json" -v

Expected Response

Successful Response:

  • HTTP 204 - created

Community User Interface Result

The body of the article changed from lorem ipsum text to the text in the body of the request

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!