put https://apidocs.cloud.answerhub.com/services/v2///.json
You can use this API request to award a given amount of reputation points to a user.
You can use the following parameters in your award reputation request:
Specific: points, reason
Permissions & Notes:
You must have the Award bonus reputation permission under Moderation Roles in the Advanced Editor.
The reason parameter gets placed in action logs.
The system requires the points parameter.
You may supply a negative number for the number of points to remove points from a user.
Sample Request
A PUT award reputation to a user (userId: 7) sent to https://apidocs.cloud.answerhub.com using a human-readable Username/Password (answerhub/test123) would look like this:
-u answerhub:test123
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-X PUT "https://apidocs.cloud.answerhub.com/services/v2/user/7/awardReputation.json?points=9&reason=suggested%an%idea%voted%up%5%times" -v
Expected Response
Successful Response:
- HTTP Status 200 - OK
Community User Interface Result
Reputation Points Increased by 9 in the top right-hand side of the Profile