You can use this API request to retrieve an idea.
You can use the following parameters in your retrieve an idea request:
Projection options: include, exclude, includeOnly
Other options: wrap, v1
Permissions & Notes:
You must have the View idea permission under Custom Roles in the Advanced Editor.
With the includeOnly parameter set to id and name (/services/v2/idea/[ideaID].json?includeOnly=id,name) to the AnswerHub REST API.
We added this request in version
Sample Request
A GET retrieve an idea request to retrieve an idea (ideaId: 859) sent to using a human-readable Username/Password (answerhub/test123) would look like this:
-u answerhub:test123
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-X GET "" -v
Expected Response
Successful Response:
-HTTP Status 200 - OK
"id": 859,
"type": "idea",
"creationDate": 1550517132000,
"creationDateFormatted": "02/18/2019 07:12 PM",
"title": "Idea to be Retrieved by the API",
"body": "<div class=\"fr-view clearfix\"><p>This is a test idea to be retrieved by the API.</p></div>",
"bodyAsHTML": "<div class=\"fr-view clearfix\"><p>This is a test idea to be retrieved by the API.</p></div>",
"author": {
"id": 7,
"username": "dzone",
"reputation": 54
"lastEditedAction": 1144,
"activeRevisionId": 871,
"revisionIds": [
"lastActiveUserId": 7,
"lastActiveDate": 1550517132000,
"attachments": [],
"childrenIds": [],
"commentIds": [],
"marked": false,
"topics": [
"id": 854,
"creationDate": 1550516642000,
"creationDateFormatted": "02/18/2019 07:04 PM",
"name": "idea",
"author": {
"id": 7,
"username": "dzone",
"reputation": 54
"usedCount": 2,
"getImmediateChildren": [],
"getParents": []
"id": 630,
"creationDate": 1547066772000,
"creationDateFormatted": "01/09/2019 08:46 PM",
"name": "testing",
"author": {
"id": 43,
"username": "Tom.Pryce",
"reputation": 0
"usedCount": 9,
"getImmediateChildren": [],
"getParents": []
"primaryContainerId": 11,
"containerIds": [
"slug": "idea-to-be-retrieved-by-the-api",
"wiki": false,
"score": 0,
"depth": 0,
"viewCount": 1,
"upVoteCount": 0,
"downVoteCount": 0,
"nodeStates": []