You can use this API request to return a list of topics a user has expertise in.
You can use the following parameters in your get topics of expertise request:
Other options: wrap, v1
Permissions & Notes:
You must have the View user's profile permission under Anonymous Roles in the Advanced Editor.
We added this request in version 1.6.3.
Sample Request
A GET get topics of expertise request from a specific user (userId: 7) sent to using a human-readable Username/Password (answerhub/test123) would look like this:
-u answerhub:test123
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-X GET "" -v
Sample Response
- When you get the response back, to find the topics of expertise, look for the "name" fields within the "list" array.
- The system relates items in the "list" array to the questions that the user who's user ID you entered into your request, answered.
- The username within the "list" array is the name of a user who asked the questions related to that topic, not the name of the user who is the expert in the topic.
- The "usedCount" key provides the value relating to the number of times that specific topic was tagged in a question.
"name": "",
"sort": "reputation",
"page": 1,
"pageSize": 35,
"pageCount": 1,
"listCount": 4,
"totalCount": 4,
"list": [
"id": 579,
"creationDate": 1547066743000,
"creationDateFormatted": "01/09/2019 08:45 PM",
"name": "integration",
"author": {
"id": 49,
"username": "valhuber",
"reputation": 0
"usedCount": 9,
"getImmediateChildren": [],
"getParents": []
"id": 728,
"creationDate": 1547066838000,
"creationDateFormatted": "01/09/2019 08:47 PM",
"name": "microservices",
"author": {
"id": 49,
"username": "valhuber",
"reputation": 0
"usedCount": 8,
"getImmediateChildren": [],
"getParents": []
"id": 543,
"creationDate": 1547066694000,
"creationDateFormatted": "01/09/2019 08:44 PM",
"name": "answerhub",
"author": {
"id": 73,
"username": "jessed",
"reputation": 0
"usedCount": 4,
"getImmediateChildren": [],
"getParents": []
"id": 825,
"creationDate": 1549288957000,
"creationDateFormatted": "02/04/2019 02:02 PM",
"name": "analytics",
"author": {
"id": 111,
"username": "suspendabletestuser",
"reputation": 1
"usedCount": 1,
"getImmediateChildren": [],
"getParents": []