2.18.5 Release
April 9, 2021
We have multiple maintenance & accessibility updates in this 2.18.5 version of AnswerHub!
2.18.5 Release addresses the following:
MSAH-1704 Accessibility - Resolved issues with JAWS/Narrator not reading values present inside the "Revisions" module
MSAH-1653 Accessibility - Resolved issue with NVDA not reading focused date in expanded calendar in the "set your deadline" field within the add a survey feature.
MSAH-1708 Accessibility - Resolved issue with JAWS / Narrator ability to properly read sorting features "oldest", "reputation", "newest", Username on the users page.
MSAH-1524 - Addressed accuracy of content count on topics to consider moderation and other limited visibility conditions with consideration for the permissions of the user viewing the topic count.
MSAH-1697 Accessibility - Resolved issue with JAWS/Narrator screen readers not correctly reading sorting options for updated, created, hottest, most viewed, most voted.
Updates to moderation workflow - Corrected functionality to allow items rejected from moderation and found on the rejected filtered queue to be returned to the main moderation queue. Updated logic for options when content is reported and in moderation.
Standardized the date picker in advanced analytics, advanced search, and site notifications features to align with the same one used for survey / polling. This will become the standard date picker widget used throughout AnswerHub.
Corrected operation of Topic selection to allow users who don't have the permission to create new topics to properly select from existing topics when creating or editing content.